Monday, March 17, 2014

Multiple Intelligence's

Today I am going to talk about the multiple intelligence's . First, it was discovered by Howard Gardner. Second, there is 8 multiple intelligence's. Third, the 8 intelligence's is Musical-rhythmic,Verbal-spatial, Visual-spatial, Logical-mathematical, Bodily-kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, and Naturalistic. Lastly, Howard Gardner discovered the 8 multiple intelligence's in 1983.

First, my top 3 intelligence is Musical, Naturalistic, and Intrapersonal. For an example, I like music and I like too play guitar and ukulele. Therefore, I have a Musical intelligence. However, I also like being outside. For instance, I love going on adventures. Therefore, I am also a Naturalistic. In fact, I am Intrapersonal. That means I like work alone. Sometimes I like working alone. 


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