Sunday, April 20, 2014

Spring Break 2014

For Spring Break 2014, I went hiking at Ague Cove. First, the trail for the hike is going down. So It was an easy hike. the hike was worth it because it was fun. It was not a intense hike. Second, the water was cold. The fishes were nice. Third, the rocks were sharp. It is so easy to get a cut. That is why I wore my shoes went I swimming. Lastly, the view was beautiful. There is this one view you hike a little further and you can the deep blue water. You can tell its deep because the water was light blue, it was dark blue. It is a nice place too take pictures.

In addition, I jumped off a ledge. No I am not jumping on the rock.  Secondly, the water for the jump was pretty deep. I do not know how deep it is, but its deep! I love swimming there because the water is cold. The only thing I dislike about this hike is the rocks and one specific tree. This tree has thorns on the trunk and the leaves are sharp. as a result, I got cut 4 times. Consequently, going up the hill was hard because I was tired. I needed too catch my breath. So I  constantly stop. What motivate me too move up and not stop was the mosquitoes. There were so much of them. I had to pour water on me so they  wont go me. Other than that, I love it.

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