Sunday, April 20, 2014

Spring Break 2014

For Spring Break 2014, I went hiking at Ague Cove. First, the trail for the hike is going down. So It was an easy hike. the hike was worth it because it was fun. It was not a intense hike. Second, the water was cold. The fishes were nice. Third, the rocks were sharp. It is so easy to get a cut. That is why I wore my shoes went I swimming. Lastly, the view was beautiful. There is this one view you hike a little further and you can the deep blue water. You can tell its deep because the water was light blue, it was dark blue. It is a nice place too take pictures.

In addition, I jumped off a ledge. No I am not jumping on the rock.  Secondly, the water for the jump was pretty deep. I do not know how deep it is, but its deep! I love swimming there because the water is cold. The only thing I dislike about this hike is the rocks and one specific tree. This tree has thorns on the trunk and the leaves are sharp. as a result, I got cut 4 times. Consequently, going up the hill was hard because I was tired. I needed too catch my breath. So I  constantly stop. What motivate me too move up and not stop was the mosquitoes. There were so much of them. I had to pour water on me so they  wont go me. Other than that, I love it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Is The Death Penalty Effective?

I agree with the Death Penalty. First, if a person keeps doing a crime they are sentence to the Death Penalty. Second, the United States is ranked fifth for highest number of executions. Third, China keeps its executions number secret. Lastly, only 21 countries in the world out the Death Penalty on 2012.

   My reason is why I agree with the Death Penalty is because some people do not learn their lessons. Such as, rapist, criminals, etc. However some of them learned from their mistakes and they do not do bad stuff again. As a result, people who do criminals over and over again have to pay the price. Eventually, they will learn but they will still do crimes.


Monday, March 17, 2014

Multiple Intelligence's

Today I am going to talk about the multiple intelligence's . First, it was discovered by Howard Gardner. Second, there is 8 multiple intelligence's. Third, the 8 intelligence's is Musical-rhythmic,Verbal-spatial, Visual-spatial, Logical-mathematical, Bodily-kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, and Naturalistic. Lastly, Howard Gardner discovered the 8 multiple intelligence's in 1983.

First, my top 3 intelligence is Musical, Naturalistic, and Intrapersonal. For an example, I like music and I like too play guitar and ukulele. Therefore, I have a Musical intelligence. However, I also like being outside. For instance, I love going on adventures. Therefore, I am also a Naturalistic. In fact, I am Intrapersonal. That means I like work alone. Sometimes I like working alone. 


Thursday, February 27, 2014

If I Could Be Anything, I Would Be....

First, I would like too be an Archaeologist. I would like to be an Archaeologist because it my future career. An Archaeologist is someone who study the pass. They dig up things that people left behind. You have to be careful because you do not want to damage the artifact. They study history and prehistory.
First, I would like too be an Archaeologist. I would like to be an Archaeologist because it my future career. Second, I would like to discover things that people have never thought of seeing because it is extinct. Thirdly, I want to visit an ancient burial ground and learn about it. Lastly, I also want to go out and explore the world while learning the past.


Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Few Of My Favorite Things

First of all, one of my favorite things is my cell phone. My cellphone is my life saver. Secondly, I cannot live without my phone. I always have to have it with me. Thirdly, my phone is what kills my boredom. Yes, I know I need to get off my phone and do something productive but there is nothing that suits me. 
Another thing I like is cars. I was not really a fan of cars when I was younger. I only got into cars last year. Especially, if they are unique. Specifically, I am into old cars. 
For example, 1969 Chevy Camaro SS. It is hard to find cars from the pass because obviously they do not made the same model I want anymore. Another car I want is a Honda Civic SI. I seen some unique Honda. Someday I will have the cars of my dreams. 


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Most Influential Person

First of all, the influential person I look up to is my mom. She has always been there for me. She inspire me to work hard and try my best in school. She has done a lot for me and family. In fact, she is the best mother I have. Consequently, she makes me mad and I make her mad. Afterwards, we forgive each other. 

Eventually, I can never stay mad at my mom. For example, if she gets mad at me for something I did not do, obviously I will also get mad, but not for too long. I really hate when I see my mom crying. Especially, when I am in front of her. It just breaks my heart seeing her. Therefore, I try too make her happy.  


Friday, January 10, 2014

New Years Resolution

First of all, most of New Year's resolutions are in that one picture on the left. For example, I need too stop procrastinating. Eventually, I need too be more responsible when it comes to school. Especially, when it comes to projects. However,  being responsible is quiet hard for me because I am a lazy person. In fact, I need to be putting the phone down more then " Being Connected". Futhermore, I need to start going outside and be playing with friends or doing something energetic. 

Although I know I may not complete all my New Years resolutions but it will be good to try next year. Specifically, it is sorta hard for me too do some of my resolutions. For example, putting down my phone is hard. I always use my phone like I am glued too it. In addition, I  would rather go out and do adventurous stuff then staying home on my phone. 
